This new project has been prepared for two years by Jin Shan and it summaries and expresses his thoughts and ideas over this period through video, sound and multiple photographic works. The artist looks for and express a nerve of writing and doodling through diaries and when video taping for work. And inevitably, out of the artist's personal interest, the works are implicated with his passion towards historical references. Much alike to Jin Shan's previous works, he always brings out conflictions to the viewer: humor that is out of place or an unclosed seperation.
Jin Shan, born in 1976, currently lives and works in Beijing. He has been invovled in the group shows such as, ‘Media City Seoul’, Korea, 2006; ‘Pawn Shop’, Vitamin Creative Space , Beijing,2009; ‘Jungle’, Platform China Beijing, 2010; “Impossible Universe,Now Here", Parer Place Urban Screens,QUT Brisbane, Australia,2012. Solo exhibitions included ‘One Man’s Island ‘-‘Naked Ape’, Platform China, Beijing, "One Man’s Island", Frieze Art Fair, London, UK.