Perhaps it is because of fear of the tedious of the life
Fear of forever Fear of insincere
So I desperately pursue a harmful
Useless makes me obedient and crushed
Submerged complete burning
Absolute exterminate die inevitable
Sense of security
——Zhao Zhao
"Sense of Security: Zhao Zhao Project" is a three-hours independent project part of Platform China’s one year long exhibition Jungle II – A Thriving Morphology. The project is divided into two parts, an exhibition and a table discussion. In the show, Zhao Zhao will present one of his paintings while the debate will take place aside. On occasion of this project, we aim at providing a platform for discussion and exchange in order to better challenge our deepest “sense of insecurity ".
Theme: Sense of Security: Zhao Zhao Project
Date: 2013.4.7 15:00 - 18:00 (3hours)
Venue: Platform China Contemporary Art Institute (Beijing)