Artists: Bi Jianye, Cheng Ran, Chen Shaoyun, Chen Wei, Chen Xiaoyun, Chen Zhou, Duan Jianyu, Guo Xi, He An, Huang Liang, Hu Jieming, Hu Xiaoyuan, Jia Aili, Jiang Zhi, Jin Feng, Jin Shan, Jin Shi, Kan Xuan, Liang Shuo, Liang Wei, Liao Guohe, Lin Tianmiano, Li Qing, Li Songsong, Liu Ding, Liu Wejian, Liu Wei, Li Yongbin, Lu Chunsheng, Lu Lei, Lu Yang, Ma Xiaoxiao, MadeIn, Pak Sheung Cheun, Qiu Anxiong, Qin Qin, Qin Siyuan, Qiu Xiaofei, Shi Jinsong, Shi Qing, Shi Yong, Shuangfei Collective ( Li Ming, Sun Maoyuan, Huang Liya, Zhang Lehua, Lin Ke, Li Fuchun, Yang Junlin, Cui Shaohan, Wang Liang) Sui Jianguo, Sun Xun, Sun Yuan & Peng Yu, Tang Maohong, Vitamin Creative Space, Wang Gongxin, Wang Guangle, Wang Jianwei, Wang Qingsong, Wang Ningde, Wang Sishun, Wang Wei, Wang Xingwei, Wang Yin, Wu Junyong, Xiao Bo, Xiao Yu, Yang Fudong, Yang Zhengzhong, Yan Jun, Zhang Peili, Zhang Ding, Zhang Enli, Zhang Hui, Zhang Liaoyuan, Zheng Guogu, Zhou Xiaohu, Zhou Yilun, Zhu Yu, Zhang Yuan, Zhao Yang (more artists will join in later)
Jungle – A Close-Up Focus on Chinese Contemporary Art Trends
“Jungle” stands here as a metaphor, an image to describe the patterns of this show, it indicates an ongoing investigation into the state of Chinese contemporary art trends, it introduces the mature tendencies of a more and more optimistic youth art.
Even if most of the artists have already reached national and international recognition, however the development of Chinese contemporary art trends is still in its process. We hope that through this project we will be able to illustrate the status of the trends arising from this ecosystem. This show doesn’t attempt at forging a general panorama on current artistic tendencies, it wants to present a close-up view on a tiny slice of these artistic expressions. We hope that with the staging of a leading art movement we can investigate the potentialities of other constructive trends, whilst surveying the reasons of their recessiveness. The process for the creation of “Jungle” comes from the artists themselves, from their self-identification with it to their acceptance and participation; this is a show whose structure resembles that of an ecosystem. There is not a particular theme for this exhibition; together with the display of the artists’ artworks, the show gives artists an opportunity to present their documentation, information and links to their websites or blog. What each artist will display through this show is his own individual system. More precisely, the different modalities of self- displaying have shaped a macrocosm whose semblance and characteristics are those of a “Jungle”. We hope that through the process of showcasing a whole range of trends we will be able to guide you through deeper analyses.
Organization of the Project
“Jungle” is a project launched and co-curate by Platform China; the participating artists are those that have self-identified themselves with the concept of the show or that have been recommended by others. The modes and format of the show have been discussed by the artists themselves and are still under discussions.
The artworks will be completed prior the opening of the exhibition, however, if the situation requires, the artists will be free to continue to implement or add elements during the exhibition period. There might be some artists that will continue to produce works during the show. Possibly the show will be exhibited at different times in diverse cultural context so as to let it fully represent it’s trend and continue to grow.