Platform China Contemporary Art Institute is hornored to announce the representation of artist Liu Yanhu, and will launch his solo exhibition —— "Metaphysics about the Boundaries" on May 21, 2023.
“The word 'Jiang Li' originates from the line of Zuo Zhuan and Classic of Poetry, still in use today and dedicates to proficient.
I believe Chinese creation and Chinese idea both align with 'Jiang Li'. It means 'Boundaries & Metaphysics' in modern context. Theory of 'Jiang Li' classified as traditional and Chinese, but it can also be contemporary and international. ”
—— Liu Yanhu
This theme was derived from Liu Yanhu's book Ideal Kingdom of Calligraphy & Seal Cutting, which initially mentioned the concept in his article Cosmos and its Traceability of Chinese - Seal Cutting, Paleography, and Architecture (1995). The exhibition will present Liu Yanhu's calligraphy and his theories - especially the interpretation of "Boundaries" and "Metaphysics" in modern era, embeds calligraphy into contemporary art system, recurs introspection on boundary and metaphysic. Introducing artist confronts traditional calligraphy, with re-examination and expansion about experience of rigorous writing, as well as the integration of contemporary aesthetic consciousness, to reveal his gaze towards the world. The "Boundaries" and "Metaphysics" pose in Liu Yanhu's calligraphy may be another realm that we ignoring and worth reflecting on.
Liu Yanhu was born in Heilongjiang in 1960, enrolled master degree at Physics Department in Jilin University since 1978. Worked as Researcher of Paleography in Jilin University from 1983 to 1988, systematically studied all courses of antiquity and calligraphy during this period. Then studied Ancient Egyptology at Institute of World Traditional Civilization at Northeast Normal University, graduated with PhD of history major. Afterwards, he taught calligraphy at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Physics, codex, and ancient Egyptology became fundamental academics of Liu Yanhu. Physics possessed cognitive framework and methodology to him. Paleography involves linguistics, philology, literature, archaeology, and history, etc., pursuing the iteration of Chinese paleography and civilization, provided him with expert vision on calligraphy. Ancient Egyptology gave him a broad perspective on humanity civilization, includes the joints of calligraphy and global culture. Triple degrees form an invasion in calligraphy, which is different from conventional dimensions, and demonstrate in his writing practice.