One Man's Island
One Man's Island
Address:Platform China Contemporary Art Institute (Beijing)
Artists:JIN Shan

fter the great success achieved at its first exhibition in front of an international audience on occasion of Frieze Art Fair 2010  - please view one of the reviews on artinfo - Jin Shan’s “One Man’s Island” will be shown for the first time in China with a new site specific installation at Platform China, opening this coming Saturday.


The project comprises 50 videos the artist completed over a period of a year and a half together with the manuscript, source of inspiration and record of thoughts Jin Shan wrote in parallel with the creation and realization of the videos. All of videos were shot in the artist’s studio and portray him doing repetitive, at time quixotic, actions. The studio becomes an island in which Jin plays around to experience and challenge his own acts. Recalling Bruce Nauman’s early videos, the artist seems to be looking for a way to suppress boredom and to live through the space, turning simple but bizarre deeds into works of art. The show marks a level of maturity and completeness in the artist’s production, it defines Jin Shan’s subtle and refined perception of life and art. Subverting the futility of sometimes bizarre, sometimes absurd actions and behaviours, the artist transforms what we might feel ashamed of in a profound piece of art. Watching Jin Shan’s videos the spectator enters the artist’s island where reality mixes with imagination and it deeply touches people’s sensitivity when the artist’s unexpected actions become ours.

Hong Kong
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